Pond Jumpers: Spain

First Venture into iMovie

Posted on April 26, 2009 at 11:04pm Madrid / 5:04pm Cincinnati by Kelly Larbes

head shot of kelly

Shortly before Jay and I left for Split, we got ourselves a going away gift: a Flip Mino HD Camcorder so we could record some of the sights and sounds of our adventures. It is nice and compact, so it easily fits in one of our pockets or my purse. I am never hesitant to bring it along because it is so tiny, light weight, and easy to use. The video quality is a bit shaky, but otherwise, it’s pretty good. Here is my first venture into iMovie, and a look at what we’ve recorded so far while we’ve been getting to know Split the last couple of weeks.

6 responses to “First Venture into iMovie”

  1. kris says:

    soo jealous. my fav part was jay’s goofy mug at the beginning. that and “oh shit, i didn’t have it on the whole time.” i look forward to seeing more video and pictures from your time over there. it looks amazing!

  2. Betty Bone says:

    wow! This is great. I’m so excited for you. I can’t believe how beautiful it is. What a great adventure. I’m so proud of you and Jay. You’ll be able to tell your kids. Love the Oh shit. I can’t wait to visit.

  3. Mike Welch says:

    Jay: Why did you spend so much time at the market? You guys don’t eat fruits and vegetables!
    Has your diet actually expanded to include these?


  4. Amy Doherty says:

    Despite my crappy internet connection that froze the video every few seconds, I thoroughly enjoyed this. I would also have to agree that the “oh shit” was one of the best parts 🙂

  5. Janell says:

    ahahaha! This is fabulous!

  6. Jay Larbes says:

    Mike – we had to check it out, at least. And we do eat a LITTLE bit of fruit! That day, we did buy bananas, clementines, fresh blocks of cheese and also fresh ground beef and sausage from the butcher nearby.

    Kris, Betty, Amy, Janell – we’re glad you enjoyed the video! I thought Kelly did a great job cutting it up and putting it together.